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/po-deh-rees-tahs/ plural
Latinas who elevate, amplify and build power through their own actions and by harnessing the power of the collective.
If you believe our voices have an impact when we come together…
Then YOU are a Poderista!
If you want to take action on behalf of yourself and your community…
Then YOU are a Poderista!
If you hope for a better future for all Latinas…
Then YOU are a Poderista!
At the heart of our mission are these three core pillars aimed at empowering Latinas:
Curating diverse content on key issues, empowering our community to take action, and amplifying Latina stories.

Hosting virtual and in-person events in key markets, uniting our community and influential figures in order to weave and strengthen our connections.

Engaging Latinas around the country – our POWER SQUAD – with leadership tools and training to drive community action and civic participation.

Latinas Make A Difference
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Read smart, interesting stories and discover empowering events curated with you in mind.